I took this picture yesterday afternoon.
Just a normal scene around here....huge flocks of Canada Geese in a field.
Stopping over for a rest I presume for the upcoming long flight.
Today I cropped and examined it and discovoured something unusual. It is in the insert picture....just a blow-up of the top left section of the other picture.
Heavily cropped from the original it isn't as clear as I'd like it to be but what it shows IS interesting.
Along with the geese are some other birds...further away and yet larger....and keeping in mind that a Canada Goose is quite large these things must be VERY big.
Some sort of Crane and what we have a lot of here are Sand Hill Cranes...with a red cap on the top of their heads.
I don't see that colour in the picture so I'm guessing they are Blue Herons....slightly bigger at about 5 feet tall or more.
If anyone knows from this so-so picture let me know....that is just my best guess.