Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Standing on guard.

Anyone who is familiar with crows will know the common story about how to trick a crow.
You need to go into the woods with 6 people and 5 come out...leaving 1 behind because....apparently, crows can't count higher than 5.
I have no idea how true this is but I do know it's VERY hard to sneak up on a crow and across the road from me is a stream/wetland area in which they often gather and hunt.
There is ALWAYS a sentinel on guard while the others do their thing and usually he skedaddles when I approach...this time i got a picture of him/her.
This has, obviously been heavily cropped as he was quite shy but aside from that and a little 'bluing' of the sky it's as I took it.
Naturally they are usually at the top of the highest tree in the area although this one selected a 'slightly' lower branch for his perch.
P.S. Let me know if you are getting sick of all these 'critter' pictures and I'll focus on the high-rises around here instead.


  1. This is the first time I have heard the common crow story.

  2. They can count up to 13 going on what I have read!

  3. I know this, too, what you are telling is true.

  4. Many years ago while teaching in Minnesota a student would come to school with his pet crow. The crow would wait for him by the school window, and follow him home after school.

  5. I think they count much higher! Nice capture of this shy guy!

    I will never tire of your nature pics, keep 'em coming!

  6. I like seeing the wild life in your neck of the woods...beautiful and interesting as you show it from your point of view.
