Saturday, August 6, 2011

AMAZING Jackpine story.

This is a picture of a Jackpine....a pretty 'scrubby' tree of the evergreen family.
The cones are green when they are young and dry so compact and hard that they can't be broken with the blow of a hammer....( the gray ones in the background).
But mother nature is no fool.....what she has done is provided the Jackpine with a disaster-proof system of regeneration.
The only 'event' that will crack open a Jackpine cone and start it germinating a forest fire!!
Thus it is one of the earliest trees to recover after a fire....up here anyway.
That's your 'info-photo' for today. LOL


  1. very interesting picture and comment on it; I didn't know what you tell about the cones.


  2. Interesting plus it makes for a gorgeous image!

  3. Lovely image and interesting facts.

  4. fabulous composition draws the eye into the center and allows it to linger and absorb the beautiful image!
